Monday 5 October 2009

Search Marketing – SEO Copywriting

Content That Attracts Links

In reality, when it comes to monetised sites, there are several missions that the SEO author must focus upon:
  • marketing and achieving sales for the client, without being ‘tacky’ or ‘blatant.’
  • make sure that the users are navigated around the site in a pragmatic way, that leads to a sale, but is also interesting for the user.
  • primarily focus upon what some US pundits refer to as the ‘user experience.’
  • reduce the Bounce Rate, increase the crawl depth and time and increase return visitors.
  • if the website can, with the aid of the Search Marketing Group, become authoritative – people will bookmark the site and this will only help to increase trust factor.

Informative content and news articles are needed, so that the client's site enthuses people to link to it naturally, but also to represent the valid interests of the site.

For more information please visit the search marketing group.

Search Engine Optimisation – SEO Copywriting III

Keyword Density (KWD)

KWD is sometimes an over used word in the vocabulary of search marketing companies, and of web sites. Essentially, it is how many times as a mathematical percentage, a particular word or search term is used within a document. This is, without question one of the most significant factors evaluated by search engines to interpret contact and their true correlation to said search phrases.

When we consider what was covered in the Synonyms article, if you enter the following into Google or any search engine:

-accountancy –jobs –vacancies

This command will evaluate and produce results that correspond to accountancy, but not to SEO content that overly mentions jobs or vacancies.

The results show the words ‘financial reporting’, ‘accountancy body’ and ‘accounting language’. So, in our example, we have an article that is probably about accountancy, its governing bodies and the language and terminology that they use. It does not include the words which we have asked the search engine to omit.

For more information please visit the ethical search marketing group.

Search Engine Optimisation – SEO Copywriting II

The SMG Content Writing Philosophy

We benchmark a client’s levels and importantly, quality of content against their competition, so that we know if there is a balance that needs addressing.

Analyse the logical derivatives of words associated with the primary term/s, for words or terms that the search engines will group with the primary term/s (this is known as The Long Tail Effect)

Insert where appropriate, long tail terms into the content to give our clients the best possible value for money.

Write original and unduplicated content looking hard at:
  • keyword percentage
  • positioning and distribution of search term/s
  • surrounding pages and site architecture
  • on and off–page content

Product delivery comes with simple notes of how to load the content onto the website.

Search Engine Techniques for Analysing Copy

Naturally, the actual written word is being read by a mathematical programme, not by a human being, when content is being indexed. Our teams know how these algorithms work and have seen them develop over many years. It is important to have information around a theme, but essentially, as they say in the USA, to remain “on message”. The first of these factors is the use and deployment of synonyms.

Synonym ConsiderationSearch engines and search marketing companies know which words are similar to others. Our teams consider this when executing their tasks.

For more information please visit the search marketing company.

Search Engine Optimisation – SEO Copywriting

Our experienced UK trained copywriters have extensive experience in search marketing techniques. They write plenty of original news articles and press releases on a weekly basis for customers in a wide range of industries, on a plethora of topics. Good quality content is crucial in the highly charged “rankings war” with other sites. We explore some of the reasons that have resulting in that statement being true. You can also read our article on keeping your website fresh and up–to–date.

Google is a hyper–textual search engine and to this effect, only reads HTML (Hyper Textual Markup Language) or in layman’s terms, the written word. Google does have an images database which can influence rankings, but primarily it is looking for the written content on your site.

Good quality technical authorship can lead to other websites and webmasters linking to your URL naturally and increase your link count. Further to this when a bespoke link campaign is undertaken, the results will be that much better as link providers will have good quality content to link to and thus protect their integrity.

For more information please visit the search marketing company.

Search Marketing and SEO Factors to Consider II

Trust Rank – what is this term that has emerged in the SEO community?

It is, in reality a different form of measurement to page rank, one that some people have turned into a specific score out of ten. Interestingly Google have not, so we have not. What the Search Marketing Group mean by this is general perception. How does Google perceive your site? Are you following SEO best practice (Ethical SEO)? Do you have human edited in–bound links? Is your site essentially sound and informative or is it a website full of cheap ads and redirects?
Remember Google and other search engines do not exist for you to necessarily make money from – they exist to return a good quality set and spread of returns to the end user increasing the user experience!

Contact details

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has ruled that companies must provide contact details on their websites such as a telephone number and or a web form. This move is largely due to a desire to increase public protection and prevent fraud. A postal and or at least an email address gives the public a point of contact and the ability, which we would always recommend if giving very personal information, or spending large sums of money on the internet, of contacting Companies House and verifying information. Visit Out-Law for more information.

For more information, please visit the ethical search marketing group.

Friday 2 October 2009

Search Marketing and SEO Factors to Consider I


Domain age & history - it is crucial to consider this when looking to achieve rankings for your website, there are certain search terms that are so competitive that sites do need to have been on the net for some time to achieve good rankings. Naturally though the sooner a project can be started the quicker the site will gain a good page rank, be time served and thus positioned.
The history of the URL is also important – if the site has been blacklisted or has been penalised in some way for bad practice it is critical to know this prior to commencing a project.

Out-Links Quality

As mentioned in previous articles, outbound links and engaging in a positive link community is vital to the success of an SEO project. A good quality search marketing company will be able to give advice upon this.

Usage Statistics (Toolbar/Analytics) – This is a crucial area of search marketing. Some years ago Google bought the firm Urchin and now provides a free Analytics platform that feeds back to the site owner’s details on their hits, bounce rates, traffic profile and a plethora of other search marketing information.

For more information please visit the ethical search marketing group.

Thursday 3 September 2009

SEO Copywriting – Link Baiting and the Power of Good Writing

Applied with skill and intelligence, link baiting is a powerful and sustainable ‘off page’ SEO strategy, contributing to high search engine positioning across your keywords and keyword phrases. Link baiting is a great way to build your online profile.

What is Link Baiting?

Simple as it sounds, link baiting is essentially online content that includes links to your website or landing page. Link baiting can come in many forms, news articles, online press releases, blogs, posts on social media sites, Twitter, Digg,, primarily shared and distributed with the single intention of developing links from as many different sources as possible.

In general, the better the quality of content you have on offer, the more web site owners will want it, and the wider your content (complete with embedded links) will be distributed across the Internet. Reach is the foremost reason for developing high quality content, closely followed by credibility. If your work is clearly of a high standard, not only will it generate more inbound links and visitors, it also reflects positively on your web site and your organisation.

Many news articles, press releases and blog posts can exist online for years so be sure to write them professionally, with care and quality. Don’t let poor work compromise your reputation.

The Benefits of Link Baiting

If your links are embedded in well-written, engaging and compelling copy, you will enjoy both direct benefits in the form of additional traffic but also the indirect benefits of better search placements.

In their endless pursuit of relevance, Google and the other major search engines are placing an increasing value on inbound links. In their eyes, the more inbound links your site commands, the more worth it must have, especially if those links come from popular sites.

More authority means higher Google search positioning. Make it easy for them.

Become an authoritative blog contributor, an industry leader, share the rare, be controversial, be contrary, instruct, inform, outrage. Do what you have to do to get above the noise, to have your link embedded content reach and inspire as many people as possible.

Most of all though, do it with quality. Contact the Search Marketing Group for more information.