Friday 12 March 2010

Ethical Search Marketing - making the most of the longtail.

How Long Tail Search Marketing is incorporated into an overall SEO strategy – and why. Here we discuss how to make sure your site isn’t excluding potential customers using more specific search terms in your long tail search marketing strategy. Long Tail Search Marketing – fishing with a net versus a line.

Capitalising on long tail search marketing is a vital component of an effective SEO campaign. Long tail keywords are typically three to six words in length and may incorporate phrasing and (sometimes rather ‘interesting’) spelling variations that would not typically appear on a list of optimum keywords or phrases. However, rather than just restricting yourself to the most popular and obvious keywords, long tail search marketing brings in a much wider potential audience – hence the analogy between fishing with a net or a line. Obviously, you’re going to catch more fish using a net, despite the fact that your line may be specifically baited to hook one particular kind of fish.

The most effective and immediate way to incorporate long tail search marketing into your overall strategy is to use systems such as Google Analytics to find out what long tail phrase people are using to locate your site. It’s also useful to have a brain-storming session with your SEO experts, friends, family and co-workers to try to ascertain what potential combinations the general public would use to locate your site on a search engine. The trick is to then incorporate these long tail search marketing phrases into fresh, new copy, as the only way to actually make use of these phrases is to include them in your site. Keyword density isn’t really an issue any more – in fact keyword ‘stuffing’, as it’s commonly referred to, is now penalised by the search engine algorithms and is considered a black hat technique.

For more information, please visit the Search Marketing Group.

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